Evaluating Research Partnerships. Key Questions to Ask. Ideas for assessing the effectiveness and impact of partnerships developed by the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care.
Magic Wand Exercise. Strategy for facilitating active discussion about a research topic developed by the Institute for Patient- and Family-Centered Care.
Building Meaningful Patient Engagement within a Clinical Data Research Network. Session from OCHIN, Inc. team presented at IPFCC’s 2016 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Care, Interprofessional Education, and Research.
Engaging Patients and Other Stakeholders: Guidance from the PCORI Engagement Rubric. A PCORI developed CME/CE tutorial on stakeholder engagement with interviews and activities. Also see the PCORI Engagement Rubric.
Evaluation Forms for Research Partnerships. Two separate forms, one for Advisors and one for Researchers for assessing partnerships from Bloorview Research Institute.
Patient Engagement in Research: How We’re Trying to Get It Right. Session from BC Support Unit and Michael Smith Foundation for Health Research presented at IPFCC’s 2016 7th International Conference on Patient- and Family-Centered Care: Partnerships for Care, Interprofessional Education, and Research.