IPFCC conducted this project in partnership with the Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance (DBSA), with funding from PCORI. The goal was to build a better understanding of peer priorities for mood disorders research and promote collaborative relationships between clinicians/researchers and peers. Peers are individuals with lived experience of mood disorders. Project activities included a review of survey data collected by DBSA and holding a virtual multi-stakeholder Convening to provide input for recommendations.
Products include two Guidance Documents designed to inform conversations and collaborations between researchers, clinicians, peers, and mental health advocacy organizations as future mood disorders research is conceptualized and planned: Peer Priorities for Mood Disorders Research and Recommendations for Creating and Sustaining Meaningful Partnerships Between Researchers and Peers. These Guidance Documents were shared in a webinar that included presenters from IPFCC, DBSA, PCORI, and a panel of peers.
Webinar: Partnering with Individuals with Lived Experience in Mood Disorders Research (October 19, 2021)
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