Issue 158 | October 2022

IPFCC Events

Join Us for IPFCC's 30th Anniversary Celebration

Transforming Health Care Through Partnerships:

A Vision for the Future of PFCC

November 15th

12 - 1:30pm ET

For 30 years, IPFCC has successfully advanced the practice of patient- and family-centered care, ensuring that partnerships are at the heart of our health system.

On November 15th, IPFCC’s 30th Anniversary Celebration, Transforming Health Care Through Partnerships: A Vision for the Future of PFCC, will highlight achievements in the field and explore the future of patient- and family-centered care. IPFCC will announce the recipients of the 2022 IPFCC Partnership Award. In addition, Liz Crocker, IPFCC Board member, will moderate a panel of experts, representing a variety of roles and settings of care. They will share insights about the impact of PFCC and reflect on its future.

Resources and Opportunities

Pandemic Recovery & Resilience: Self-Assessment and Toolkit

Healthcare Excellence Canada’s Pandemic Recovery & Resilience: Self-Assessment and Toolkit is designed to help healthcare leaders and policymakers address the impact of the pandemic and be better prepared for future health emergencies. The resource assesses progress in nine areas, identifies options for moving ahead, and offers tools for building resilience. Access the resource here.

A Canadian Partnership Model for Long-Term Care

Healthcare Excellence Canada and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research developed the Partnership Model: Implementation Science Teams Strengthening Partnerships in Pandemic Planning. They shared the model, process, and implications for future partnerships in improving long-term care. A companion narrative and recorded presentation to the National Health Leadership Conference are available at this website.

Patient-Centered Practices in Emergency Care

Integrating patient-centered practices in emergency departments has not been well researched. A Canadian team engaged key stakeholders, including patient and family partners, in a review of the literature. They shared their findings in the article, “Patient-Centered Care in the Emergency Department: A Systematic Review and Meta-Ethnographic Synthesis,” published in the International Journal of Emergency Medicine. Access the article.

A Patient-Centered Complex Care Research Agenda

A guide to build the complex care evidence base by prioritizing what matters most to people with complex health and social needs.

While complex care is now a widely used approach to support individuals with complex health and social needs, more research is needed to better understand what matters most to patients. Recognizing this need, the Center for Health Care Strategies (CHCS) developed the Patient-Centered Complex Care Research Agenda with funding from the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). The Research Agenda was co-created by more than 100 partners, including patients with lived expertise of complex care, researchers, providers, and health care system leaders. It outlines three core strategies and corresponding action steps to build a stronger, more coordinated, and patient-centered complex care evidence base. View the resources here.