Issue 142 | May 2021
IPFCC Events
Upcoming Free Informal Conversations

Expanding the Patient and Family Voice - Innovations and Learnings in the Virtual Space
Save the Date: Tuesday, June 29, 2021, Noon ET
IPFCC Portal Is Coming Soon

Stay connected with IPFCC’s latest news and events! We are launching a new portal this summer. The free portal will make it easier for you to learn about and register for upcoming IPFCC events, purchase publications from the bookstore, access and update your contact information, and much more. Watch your email for our invitation to log in!
IPFCC at Work
With grant support from the Lucile Packard Foundation for Children's Health, IPFCC recently completed a survey of children's hospitals across the U.S. to learn more about their work with patient and family advisors (PFAs), best practices for patient and family advisory councils (PFACs), and how PFACs adapted and contributed during COVID-19. The survey, which was conducted in partnership with Cincinnati Children's Hospital and the Children's Hospital Association, generated a tremendous response, with participation from 166 children's hospitals.

As a next step, IPFCC and Cincinnati Children's Hospital will be conducting interviews with selected children's hospitals to learn more about their PFAC work and partnerships with PFAs, with a particular emphasis on issues related to diversity, equity, and inclusion. 

Results and learnings from the survey and interviews will be available in Fall 2021. 
Resources and Opportunities
Lucian Leape's New Book on Patient Safety

Don’t miss Making Healthcare Safer, Lucian Leape’s new and unique book discussing the patient safety movement in the United States from the late 1980’s to 2015. Dr. Leape describes the evolution of patient safety, as well as provides an in-depth understanding of the principles behind patient safety. The e-book will be available to download for free. Learn more here.
Children's Mercy Weaves Family Feedback into Policy-Making Process

An article published by Health Affairs highlights the pioneering role and vigorous commitment to patient and family partnerships by Children’s Mercy. Titled “Gaining Family Input at a Children’s Medical Center,” the article delves into their process and results. Carol Kemper, Children’s Mercy’s Senior Vice President for Service and Performance Excellence stated: “Early on, there was recognition that families held incredibly valuable information that was previously missing…From a seat at the table in a formalized board, to thousands of engagements every year, patients and families have truly changed the way we prioritize our work and solve problems.” IPFCC CEO Bev Johnson commented, “The pandemic has shown that it’s more important than ever to connect with patients from the communities you serve and to understand what’s important to them—what their priorities are.” Read the article.
Saskatoon Long-Term Care Network Releases Family Presence Video

Re-establishing the Role of Families in LTC after the COVID-19 Pandemic, a video developed by the Saskatoon Long-Term Care Network, highlights the importance of family presence to their loved ones and partnerships with families to improve care for all. Watch the video. 
Recordings from IPFCC Past Webinars & Informal Conversations

“Reflecting on Inclusion, Diversity, Race, and Health Equity”
May 11th, noon ET

Other COVID specific webinar recordings are available here. If you missed previous webinars, you can access all the recordings here.

If you missed previous Informal Conversations, we encourage you to listen to the recordings and access materials/slides at PFCC.Connect Library. Not a member? Join PFCC.Connect today!
Pinwheel Sponsors

Special thank you to St. Louis Children’s Hospital for their support of IPFCC as a 2021 Pinwheel Sponsor! Visit Pinwheel Sponsors Program to learn more about our current sponsors and the program, or if you have any questions, please contact Sherry Hajec at